
100 mile wilderness

In the summer of 2010, the summer between Blaise's Junior and Senior year at Bates, Blaise attempted to hike the 100 mile wilderness. Blaise's companions were Mike Dorfman (Blaise's summer roomate at Bates) and Mike's cousin.

We drove up and slept the night before in a hikers hostel. They dropped us off on the side of the road, and we began hiking. It was amazing that, as we walked away from the pavement, the sounds of cars and civilization quieted down to absolutely nothing. It was so exciting to think that we would not cross pavement again for the next 100 miles.

The dropoff point.

The first sign indicating the entrance to the 100 mile wilderness.

The wilderness was verdant and dense. We hiked through thick forest.

We submitted many small mountains, with rocky tops, lichen, and good views. Sometimes a single days hike would involve climbing and descending multiple peaks.

Often-times, the decent from each mountain was the hardest part. We were forced to proceed slowly.

We also crossed rivers, streams, and swamps. Most of the time there were no bridges.

Unfortunately, about half way through the hike, Blaise badly hurt his left knee while bending down to go under a fallen tree. We needed to evacuate ASAP. Mike and his cousin helped Blaise limp to the nearest logging road, and we hitch-hiked out of the wilderness in the back of logging trucks. The first loggers to pick us up had very few teeth, and were very hard to understand due to their thick accents.

After recovering in the hostel for one night, Blaise had nowhere to go. Bates was closed, and Blaise's parents were not to arrive for a while yet. So Mike dropped Blaise off at a nearby national forest where Blaise camped for several days until his parents arrived.

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