Lost Coast with the Tills
This memory is written in first person from the perspective of Blaise Thompson.
TODO: bird observations
1 Steller's Jay
2 Anna's Hummingbird
3 Brown Pelican
4 Bushtit
5 Brewer's Blackbird
6 California Quail
7 Snowy Plover
8 Chestnut-backed Chickadee
9 Black Phoebe
10 American Dipper
11 California Towhee
2024-07-02 Tuesday
2024-07-03 Wednesday
2024-07-04 Thursday
2024-07-05 Friday
TODO: midnight audio
2024-07-06 Saturday
TODO: rattlesnake video
2024-07-07 Sunday
The beach became very foggy, which gave us more of a lost coast experience.
TODO: wave break video as animation (Claire's video)
2024-07-08 Monday
2024-07-09 Tuesday
built 2025-02-05 16:00:03 UTC